Nature & Environment

Not only is the well-being of our dear four-legged friends close to our hearts, but also our beautiful nature, in which we live together every day.


We want the landscape to once again become a habitat and food source for pollinating insects through more flowers. As a contribution to the preservation of biodiversity, we have created a bloom area with wildflowers behind our new high-rack warehouse and planted 12 new bird- and bee-friendly trees.


Flowering areas not only serve insects such as bees, bumblebees and butterflies, but they also benefit our native songbirds and other wild animals that eat the insects. Last but not least, the colourful blossoms bring joy to our hearts.

We also pay attention to sustainability when it comes to our packaging materials.


For example, all tubes used for our premium meat pâté are 97% recyclable so that valuable resources can be returned to the cycle and be reused. We also rely on reduced material thickness and, with this raw material saving, we significantly contribute to resource conservation and waste avoidance.

All of our cardboard boxes are comprised of FSC-certified materials.

FSC. The sign of responsible forest management


We are a member of the VEA-Iniative for "Climate-friendly" medium-sized companies.


As a member of the initiative, we are committed to using energy more efficiently

in our production processes, promoting the use of climate-friendly energy in

our company, being open to and investing in innovations and supporting climate

protection projects.